Here on a
Sunday morning
My love and I
would lie
And see the
coloured counties
And hear the
larks so high
About us in the
This work is in the English
pastoral tradition meeting the criteria laid down by the musicologist Ted
Perkins. This includes the use of folksong or modally inspired melody,
impressionistic techniques that would be at home with Debussy or Ravel and
finally a certain neo-classical colouring. All three elements are well and
truly present in this work.
‘Bredon Hill’ is one of the most
popular of Housman’s poems from the Shropshire
Lad: it is certainly one of the most frequently set. The best known are Butterworth’s
and Vaughan Williams setting in his great song cycle On Wenlock Edge. Orchestrally is has inspired composers too. Julius
Harrison wrote a fine orchestral Rhapsody for violin called Bredon Hill. Like
the present work it is a reflection on the view from Bredon Hill and some of
the emotions that it engendered rather than the sentiment of the poem.
The work opens dreamily, before a
lovely folk-song like tune given on woodwind. Yet this tune does not dominate
the texture – it is kind of floated over the ‘impressionistic’ texture of the
accompaniment. The first third or so of the work is dominated by the woodwind,
however at about the halfway point a romantic tune emerges that is really the
heart of the work. Although this work does not have the angst of the ‘Shropshire
Lad’s’ emotion as he considers the death of his lover: there is a little
disturbing of the calm. This soon passes and a short interchange of material by
flute and oboe supported by the French horns leads to the last statement of the
‘folk-song’. There is a mini cadenza for flute before the summer haze returns.
The work concludes quietly with strings and flute.
Ian Lace (MusicWeb International February 1999) considers that ‘the music is
nicely, hazily, evocative and lightly romantic with some rather odd Celtic
inflections.’ I accept that there may be a wee bit of the Celtic twilight here,
however, for me the mood is quite definitely that of a summer’s day in Bredon
It is unfortunate that we have so
very little information about the life and work of James Langley. True, there
is the Langley Memorial Trust which is dedicated to preserving his memory by
giving financial assistance “the most talented and deserving members of the
Midland Youth Orchestra. This was founded after his death in 1994.
The briefest of biographies are
given on that Trust’s web page: it notes “James Langley’s professional
commitments were as a senior BBC music producer, brass band competition
adjudicator, and Trinity College music examiner, but it is the remarkable
unbroken period of 38 years that he freely devoted to the Midland Youth
Orchestra (MYO) that the trust is set up to celebrate. From the orchestra’s
formation in 1956 right up to the moment of his brief illness, James Langley
was continuously at the service of the MYO, first as a horn player, then
Associate Conductor, Conductor and, ultimately, its outstanding Music Director
for so many years.’
Listen to James Langley’s The
Coloured Counties on British
Light Music Discoveries Volume 1 Resonance 205
Do you have anymore information on Ted Perkins musicologist named in your blog ? Regards
Nothing whatsosver, alas, save he wrote an essay called 'Pastoral Style and the Oboe' which featured in The Double Reed Journal Volume 11 No. 2: 1988. I do not have a copy of this now, as I think I examined it in the library.
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