‘The recent appearance in Edinburgh
of Mr. Arnold Bax, at a concert devoted to his own compositions, imparts an
additional interest for local readers to a Handbook
on Arnold Bax's Symphonies, by Robert H. Hull (2s. net; London: Murdoch),
which has just been published [1]. Mr Bax has written four Symphonies, the
first of which is dated 1922, while the fourth was begun in October 1930, and
was completed in February 1931:
There is a Scottish interest
attached to the Fourth Symphony, in that it was written during a winter stay in
Inverness-shire. [2] It may be recalled that its first performance in Britain
(it had already been heard at San Francisco in March of this year) - took place
in London, at a Courtauld-Sargent concert, just a little over three weeks ago.
Of the composers who may to-day
be styled ‘modern’, Mr Bax displays perhaps the most powerful individuality.
‘Modern’ music has all, in a greater or less degree, the quality of
improvisation. It is fluid, elastic, and with patterns which have no mechanical
regularity. The music of Mr Bax possesses all these characteristics; its
development takes unexpected turns, and its ornamentation is luxuriant. But the
composer is always the master of his improvisation never its servant, and while
his design is not formal, in the classical sense, it moves forward, despite all
its decorative exuberance, towards a definite and logical conclusion. There is
less of the decorative element, no doubt, in the Symphonies than in the
composer's other works.
When he wrote his first Symphony,
he had already some sixteen years of work as a composer behind him, for the
Trio for Violin, Viola, and Violoncello dates from 1906. The character of the
First Symphony, Mr Hull describes as 'relentless, often despairingly grim, and
dominated by a single idea of paramount austerity,’ although there are glimpses
of ‘the distant peace towards which the composer is striving but which, until
Symphony No.3, he never permanently obtains.’
In the second Symphony, a growing
mastery of a more direct utterance is reflected in ‘a much more exacting
process of refinement and compression.’ The third Symphony is ‘a singularly
gracious work, easy to accept,’ while the fourth Symphony, criticism, has
described as displaying precision of form attained without sacrifice of free
improvisation, or richness of orchestral colouring.
Mr Hull has followed his scores
very closely, and his practice of referring the reader to the pages and bars
from which his musical illustrations have been taken is one which is to be
Scotsman - Thursday 29 December 1932
[1] It seems that the author of this piece was a little behind the
times. As noted below Hull’s booklet was published four years prior to this
Hull, Robert H., A Handbook of
Arnold Bax’s Symphonies (Murdoch, Murdoch & Co., London 1932). The price 2/- is equivalent to 10p, which would
be about £7.50 at today’s prices.
It should be noted that this monograph covers only symphonies 1-4. Two
years later, Hull addressed Symphony No.5 in the Monthly Musical Record (January 1934). In 1942 Hull submitted a
lengthy article to Music & Letters
(April 1942) which was ‘An Approach to Bax’s Symphonies’. This majored on all seven-canonical
works. Later, scholarly endeavour has brought the unnumbered Symphony in F
(1907, realised Martin Yates) to the public’s attention.
At the time of the writing of this review (December 1932) although Bax’s
Symphony No.5 had been written, it was not premiered until 13 January 1934.
[2] The Symphony No.4 had indeed been worked on in at the Station Hotel,
Morar, Inverness-shire as well as Glencolumcille in Donegal, Ireland. Graham
Parlett points out that Bax told Graham Whelen that the work was ‘composed in
London and Morar.’
[3] Arnold Bax’s Symphony No.4 was first performed by the San Francisco
Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Basil Cameron at the Civic
Auditorium, San Francisco, on 16 March 1932. It was not heard in the United
Kingdom until 5 December when it was given by the London Philharmonic Orchestra
conducted by Malcolm Sargent. The venue was the Queen’s Hall as part of the
series of the Courtauld-Sargent concerts. Unusually for a ‘modern’ work it was
repeated the following day and on the 9 December.
I suppose Mr Hull errs with Bax's 1906 Trio. According to Graham Parlett's catalogue, Bax did not write a string trio. (Nice prospect, anyway!) The 1906 Trio was written for piano, violin and viola (or clarinet).
Thanks for that! I should have clocked this fact...
I came across your wonderful Blog while searching for information on Bax's symphonies - one of my favourite composers along with most of his near contemporaries. Having grown up in Guildford when Vernon Hsndley was music director of the orchestra there it's no surprise I suppose that I love British music. I was fortunate enough to attend the concert performance there of Bax's Symphonic Variations with Joyce Hatto, just before they recorded it for "Barry's" outfit (and long before he started issuing fake "Joyce Hatto" CDs! That Bax recording was one I featured on my Blog along with the (geeky) YouTube video of it being played!
Anyhow - I shall keep checking out your splendid posts (though I can't see how to subscribe to the site - but I may be missing something here!).
Thanks for that Bob.
PS No subscription needed...just keep exploring,,,
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