Since purchasing
this book some 30 years ago, it has become a constant source of reference as I
have reviewed Bridge’s works for MusicWeb International and written a number of
articles and book reviews. Even more valuably, it has allowed me to approach my
listening to Bridge’s music in a structured and informed manner. I am sure that
many musicians, musical historians and listeners have also been aided by this
So it is fitting
that Paul Hindmarsh has chosen to republish this excellent Thematic Catalogue with the accumulated wisdom of more than a third
of a century of his study of Bridge’s life and works.
In 1970, R.M.
Keating majored on ‘The Songs of Frank Bridge’ in his dissertation presented to
the University of Texas. It was an important forerunner of current academic
attention. An early popular study of the composer was Frank Bridge by Anthony Payne, Lewis Foreman and John Bishop which
was published in 1976. This short
pamphlet (50 pages) re-presented Payne’s illustrated account of the music
printed in Tempo (September &
December 1973). The catalogue of works by Foreman was helpful in gaining a
bird’s eye view of the composer’s achievement.
The most
significant advance in Bridge studies was the original edition of this present
book, which was published in 1983. Here for the first time, the composer’s
works were listed chronologically, with details of manuscripts,
instrumentation, first performances, bibliographic references and a commentary
on many of the works. There was a chronology of the composer’s life, a select
bibliography and discography, and indices. It was the first appearance of the
‘H’ (Hindmarsh) numbers to Bridge’s music. All this has been retained in the new edition.
The following year,
Anthony Payne published Frank Bridge:
Radical and Conservative. It was the latest incarnation of his Tempo articles. In this volume, Payne
reassessed the earlier compositions and found them just as important to the
composer’s reputation as the later ‘radical’ works. It was deemed by Stephen
Banfield as a ‘mature critical survey…a rounded
accomplishment from the best man for the job.’ (Musical Times, April 1986). The book was reissued in 1999.
In 1991, Karen R. Little presented Frank Bridge: A Bio-Bibliography. Some
of this material was concurrent with Hindmarsh’s Catalogue, however there were interesting additions. The succinct
biographical chapter is excellent, the discography is extensive (up to 1991)
and there is a comprehensive bibliography with brief précis of articles and
many reviews. It remains a useful adjunct to Hindmarsh’s book.
Other important sources include
Trevor Bray’s Frank Bridge: A Life in
Brief, (2004-16) conveniently published online, Peter Pirie’s early Frank
Bridge (1971) and a detailed study of the early ‘Modern Maritime Pastoral:
Wave Deformations in the Music of Frank Bridge’ by Stephen Downes included in British Music and Modernism, 1895-1960
There are a growing number of
dissertations and theses being addressed to the composer. This includes studies
of his piano works, his relationship with Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge, Musical
Modernism, and the Late Works as well Fabian Huss’ detailed examination of the
chamber music (2010).
In 2015, Huss published his
monograph on The Music of
Frank Bridge (Boydell Press, 2015) which for the
first time set the music into the various
contexts implied by romanticism, musical modernism, British pastoral and the
composer’s own personal development as a man and a musician.
I turn now to the new edition of Frank Bridge: The Complete Works – Portraits of an English Composer in his time with full Thematic Catalogue of Works (1900-1941).
After the usual preface and acknowledgements, there is an extremely helpful (and expanded) timeline. For example, a century ago, on 13 March 1916, Frank Bridge conducted the first performance of his tone poem Summer at one of Beecham’s Philharmonic Society Concerts. It is an excellent resource for contextualising Bridge’s musical progress.
After the usual preface and acknowledgements, there is an extremely helpful (and expanded) timeline. For example, a century ago, on 13 March 1916, Frank Bridge conducted the first performance of his tone poem Summer at one of Beecham’s Philharmonic Society Concerts. It is an excellent resource for contextualising Bridge’s musical progress.
first section of the book features six important essays by a diverse group of
writers. These include the excellent ‘Biographical Sketch: Seeds of Discontent’
by Paul Hindmarsh. Part of this was originally published in the Musical Times in 1991. This is followed by a paper penned by Ivor
James, friend of the composer and excellent cellist. Daphne Oliver, based her notes for ‘Memories
of a Unique Friendship’ on the recollections of Bridge’s companion Marjorie
Fass. The redoubtable critic Edwin Evans wrote a series of articles for the Musical Times after the First World War
examining ‘Modern British Composers.’ Frank Bridge was the first to be
discussed. A rare interview between the
composer and P.J.Nolan was originally published in Musical America (17 November 1923). It makes fascinating reading,
as Bridge was reticent in talking about his work. Lastly, the finely stated obituary by Herbert
Howells which appeared in Music and
Letters (July 1941) examines the crisis in style between the first (early)
and second (late) Bridge.
The thematic catalogue
itself includes a general introduction outlining the structure of the entries.
This is followed by details of previously produced lists of Bridge’s music,
including those in the standard reference works such as Grove’s and the unpublished hand-list in the Royal College of Music
produced by Dr Peter Horton.
A summary of the
location of manuscripts and sketches are given as well as a list of works where
the holograph has been lost. An
important section for students of Bridge’s music is the location of his considerable
body of correspondence.
The entries for the
Thematic Catalogue are presented chronologically, beginning with H.1 which is the
lost Trio in D minor composed in 1900. The last composition is H.192, the
uncompleted Symphony for string orchestra dated January 1941.
For readers who have
not perused the original catalogue, I will describe a typical entry: in this
case for the orchestral tone poem ‘Summer’
Each work has the
relevant ‘H’ (Hindmarsh) number which has gained acceptance in scholarship. A
brief title of the work is given followed by the orchestration/instrumentation
and the playing instruction, in this case ‘Andante ben moderato – A tempo ben
moderato e tranquillo’. Included in the text is a short extract prepared from
the score of the opening half-dozen bars.
This is followed by information such as the work’s duration, the
location of the autograph manuscript and the MS sketches. The date of composition, where known, is noted,
in this case ‘Sketch written
July 1914, score 11th - 22nd April 1915’, at end of full score.’ Details of
publication of the full score are included as well as the availability of
miniature/study scores.
For musicians interested in the works reception history, the date, venue
and performers of the work’s premiere are given. Of great value are references to a number of
contemporary reviews: those for Summer
include notices in the Daily Telegraph,
The Detroit Free Press, The Musical Times, The Sunday Times, The Times
and Musical America. Notices of
subsequent concerts are typically not
included. The entry closes with details
of all recordings both historical and currently available. Printed or online
reviews of these recordings are not referenced.
Extremely valuable is Paul Hindmarsh’s personal commentary on the work,
which for Summer include a letter
written to Bridge’s friend Marjorie Fass. This information is the solid basis
of any future discussion of Bridge’s music, the writing of programme notes and
the construction of performance histories.
The thematic catalogue is rounded off with a list of works classified by
genre, a good general bibliography, an index of the titles and first lines of
the works. A general index has been prepared by Paul Hindmarsh and Jessica
Chan. As I examined this book in its
.pdf format, searching was easy using the Adobe search facility. The index will
be useful to those who purchase the spiral bound edition.
I do have a concern about the ‘H’ numbers. Comparing my 1983 edition
with the present catalogue, I note that certain numbers have changed or swapped
about. The author has mentioned these in his introduction, however, I do worry
that this could lead to a wee bit of confusion. It certainly means that Bridge
scholars will have to work from this revised edition! These changes only seem
to affect minor works, so that may mean relatively few essays, liner and
programme notes which have used the ‘H’ numbers will be affected and have
become out of date.
Three things make
this revised edition of the catalogue an essential purchase for all enthusiasts
of Frank Bridge’s music. Firstly, Hindmarsh has updated the commentary on each
work to reflect scholarship and performance since 1983. This has included full
details of all recordings of Bridge’s music up to January 2016. This is important, as there has been an
explosion of CDs released since 1983, including a virtually complete survey of
the orchestral music on Chandos, the complete songs on Hyperion and two
explorations of the piano music. Virtually all the chamber works have appeared
in this time. Additionally, the book
features a number of rare photographs which allow the reader to see Frank
Bridge as a man and not just a composer.
Secondly, a few of
Bridge’s manuscripts have come to light since 1983, including the Phantasie in
F minor for string quartet (H.55), the Morçeau Characteristique (H.83) and the
finale from ‘A Royal Night of Variety’ (H.184). There has only been one new
discovery – the song ‘Remembrance’ (H.35).
And lastly, as the author has written much about Frank Bridge over many years, he has used, to quote him, ‘much of that writing plus an extensive selection of correspondence by Bridge and his friends and some significant ‘period’ articles and images to create, I hope, a more complete picture of Frank Bridge in the context of his time.’
Frank Bridge-The Complete Works: Portraits
of an English Composer in his time, with full Thematic Catalogue of Works (1900-1941) compiled and edited by Paul
edition published in 2016 by PHM Publishing © 2016 by Paul Hindmarsh
pp, A4, coil bound ISBN: 978-1-5262-0264-2 (Print to order - £40.00)
download (£30.00) available by pre-paid order and signed use of agreement via www.paulhindmarsh.com
NB This review is based on the .pdf version
of this book.
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