Saturday 1 October 2022

Hans Gál (1890-1987) Chamber Music on CPO

Any appreciation of Hans Gál begins by understanding that he was a largely conservative composer. Not for him were the intricate convolutions of dodecaphony, integral serialism, electronic or aleatory music. If anything his aesthetic nods to Brahms and occasionally Mahler. Grove’s Dictionary describes his style as “uniting many elements: the clarity, playful humour and formal mastery of early Classicism; the chromatic harmony and extended tonality of early 20th-century, pre-serial music; a Schubertian love of melody; the lyricism and emotional restraint of Brahms and the contrapuntal textures that remained fundamental to his style.” 

The Suite for piano is a good place to begin. Written in 1922, it is the earliest piece on this disc, and was completed when Gál was living and working in Mainz. This is charming music. The opening Praeludium does indeed nod towards French Impressionism without being a parody. The following Minuet is a clever fusion of classical sensibilities with a touch of a Parisian nightclub about it. My favourite movement is the vibrant Capriccio which manages to balance two entirely contrasting sections: a bouncy bit of “burlesque” and a long melody that has a hint of folksong about it. More significant matters are found in the Sarabande funèbre, which is not quite as depressing as it sounds. The Suite concludes with a well-wrought Gigue, once again juxtaposing two diverse themes. This time it is a lively, mischievous tune against “feigned sentimentality.”  The liner notes quote the composer’s daughter, Eva Fox-Gál, who states “I think each [movement] represents a facet of his style and in fact anticipates much of his later piano writing.”

The main event on this new CD is the Quartet in A major for piano (left hand), violin, viola and cello. It was finished in 1926 and was dedicated to the pianist Paul Wittgenstein. In the post Great War years many works were written for him to play – he had lost his right arm during the Battle of Galicia in modern day Ukraine. These include important contributions by Britten, Ravel, Korngold and Hindemith.

The booklet includes a detailed discussion about the genesis and subsequent revision of the Quartet. Mention is made of three performances, all between 1928 and 1930. And then the piece was largely forgotten. It was never published nor given an opus number. The Quartet lasts for more than 27 minutes and is cast in four movements. The heart of the work is the Adagio, dolce ed espressivo. This is not intense music, more tender and introspective. The opening Vivace ma non troppo is dignified and occasionally wistful, with lots of contrasting themes and development. The “second subject” is particularly poignant. The “scherzo,” placed second, is a breath of fresh air. Light and breezy, this typically quicksilver music is balanced by a stately “trio” section. The finale, Molto vivace is vibrant and has an almost Bartokian sense of rhythm. The notes explain that all the movements are thematically unique – this Quartet is not cyclic. The overall impression given in this outstanding performance is of a composer who is utterly confident with his instrumental resources and musical material.

The Concertino for piano and string orchestra, op.43 was written in 1934. This was at the time when Gál and his family had moved from Mainz, where he had held the position of Director of the Hochschule für Musik, to Vienna, due to persecution by the Germans. For five years, he was employed as a conductor with the Vienna Concert Orchestra and the Bach Society in Vienna.

The work opens with a powerful Intrata, signed to be played “Grave e maestoso.” The liner notes suggest that the “dotted notes” are redolent of one of Handel’s Concerto Grosso. This is followed by a beautiful Siciliano which is disarming: there is nothing here to suggest the stress that Gál was under. A long cadenza leads into the final Fuga. This is lively, complicatedly contrapuntal and full of buzzing energy. The middle section is just a little bit more reflective.

After the Anschluss (annexation of Austria by Germany, 13 March 1938) Gál and his family fled to London enroute to the United States. They never crossed the Atlantic. He and his family were invited to Edinburgh by Donald Tovey and was then appointed Reid Professor of Music at Edinburgh University. He remained in this city until his death in 1987.

The final number on this CD is also the latest. Composed in 1940, when Gál was residing in Edinburgh, the Impromptu for viola and piano, was dedicated to his fifteen year old son, Peter. The young lad had recently taken up the viola, after having learnt to play the violin. The booklet is correct in suggesting that this is an “occasional piece” and a “personal work written as a present from father to son.” Yet, it is deeply felt, if somewhat straightforward. The romantic harmonies will reinforce the notion that Gál was influenced by Brahms. It deserves to be in the repertoire of all violists.

In preparing my review, I have been beholden to the excellent, informative liner notes by Dr Michael Haas. They are printed in German and English. Details of the performers are included. Inside the rear cover is an evocative photograph of Hans Gál with his daughter Eva, somewhere in Edinburgh, by the look of the buildings in the background. As usual with CPO recordings, the sound quality is outstanding. All the performances are sympathetic and totally engaged.

This remarkable CD introduces the listener to four interesting and immediately approachable works by one of the most engaging members of that group of brave composers defined as “Continental Britons.”

Track Listing
Hans Gál (1890-1987)

Quartet in A major for piano (left hand), violin, viola and cello (1926)
Suite for piano, op.24 (1922)
Concertino for piano and string orchestra, op.43 (1934)
Impromptu for viola and piano (1940)
Gottlieb Wallisch (piano), Members of the Aron Quartet: Barna Kobori (violin), Georg Hamann (viola), Christophe Pantillon (cello), Hartmut Rohde (viola)
Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra/Hartmut Rohde
rec. March 2019 (Quartet), May 2019 (Concertino, Impromptu), July 2019 (Suite), Tonzauber-Studio, Wiener Konzerthaus, Austria.
CPO 555 276-2

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