Thursday 28 October 2021

William Walton and Ralph Vaughan Williams Transcriptions

I am not completely convinced by this four-handed piano version of William Walton’s Symphony No.1 in B flat minor. I cannot fault the playing, and it is splendid to have what I imagine is a premiere recording of Herbert Murrill’s thoughtful transcription. 

I think that the liner notes hit the nail on the head. They quote F.L.B. of the Western Morning News (6 June 1938, p.2) as saying that this work “has some formidable and strenuous pages and is more likely to be tackled by serious students of music, than duettists giving an evening’s entertainment.” What the notes do not quote is F.L.B.’s (possibly Ferrucio Bonavia?) statement that “a piano version is usually a first-rate means of getting to the main outlines
of an orchestral work, however much one may miss in detail, but it may be that the texture of Mr. Walton’s symphony may not lend itself too well to a piano version.” I think the truth may lie somewhere in between. This present transcription reveals details of the score that have eluded me in many hearings of the orchestral original. This is especially evident in the troubled, but often haunting Andante con malinconia.   But I think F.L.B. is correct in assuming that even enthusiasts of Walton’s music will tend stick with the orchestral version.

Of all the movements, I think that the second, the Presto, con malizia works best for the piano duet. It is a regular toccata and a vibrant tour de force. The overall mood of the Symphony is gritty, taut and often severe, reflecting the malice and melancholy inherent in the movements’ titles. Despite my reservations, these diverse moods have been well captured by Lynn Arnold and Charles Matthews in this recording.

Written under the tutelage of Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, Vaughan Williams’s Suite for Four Hands on one pianoforte is a thoroughly enjoyable work. Despite being a “student exercise” written in 1893, when RVW was 21 years of age, this piece is full of good things and considerable interest.  

The liner notes wisely imply that the listener should not attempt to look for intimations of the composer’s future style and achievement in these pages. It is after all “merely” an exercise. The sound world is baroque, with J.S. Bach and George Frideric Handel as possible exemplars. The Suite has four contrasting movements: Prelude, Minuet, Sarabande and Gigue. It is interesting to note that Parry was unimpressed with the Minuet: he wrote on the score that RVW “must try harder”. I think he was being a little harsh. 

One point. The liner notes explain that RVW revised the Minuet, to reflect his discussion with Parry. The duo have recorded this revision and promise to release the original in a future release. It seems to me that they should have squeezed it on here, for completeness. It is not although the CD is full…

No introduction is needed to William Walton’s uplifting Crown Imperial March written during 1937 for that year’s Coronation of George VI. Except for Façade, this piece has had more reworkings, arrangements and reductions than any other Walton work. The current edition of Stewart R. Craggs Source Book details 14 of them.  The composer himself “dished up” the piano solo reduction in 1937. Some 12 years later Herbert Murrill made this present version for piano duet, complete with optional cuts. Murrill had already made a splendid reduction of the March for organ in 1937. The Musical Times (January 1950, p.31) notes that this “is a surprisingly easy arrangement of Walton's Crown Imperial for piano duet (one instrument) for which Herbert Murrill will no doubt earn the gratitude of young players and amateurs”. The present version has quietly reintroduced several of the twiddly bits from the orchestral score. To be honest, it is a nice to have a transcription of this popular march on disc, but it is not essential listening. 

The CD is nicely presented. The liner notes by Charles Matthews and John Francis are excellent. There are the usual bios of the two pianists. The playing is superb throughout. Finally, I did feel the front cover could have been a little more relevant to the main event, the Symphony.

This is a CD that will strongly appeal to enthusiasts of William Walton and RVW. It will be an essential addition to their record libraries. How often the transcription of the full symphony will be played is another matter. Personally, my big discovery here is Vaughan Williams’s Suite. It may be pastiche, but it is enjoyable, sometimes moving, and always well written. It deserves an occasional outing in the recital room.

Track Listing:
William WALTON (1902-83)

Symphony No.1 in B flat minor (1932-35) arr. 1949 for piano duet by Herbert Murrill (1909-52)
Ralph VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1872-1958)
Suite for Four Hands on one pianoforte (1893)
William WALTON
Crown Imperial (1937) arr. for piano duet by Herbert Murrill
Lynn Arnold (piano), Charles Matthews (piano)
rec. 7-9 January 2021 West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge

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