Friday 9 September 2016

Ten British Symphonies (1945-60) I would love to see recorded.

Over the past 45 years, British music enthusiasts have been fortunate in having a large number of symphonies issued on vinyl, cassette, CD and ‘download.’  Major projects (for me) have included the cycles of symphonies by Arnold Bax, Charles Villiers Stanford, Hubert Parry, William Alwyn, Malcom Arnold, Richard Arnell, Benjamin Frankel and Egon Wellesz. Some of these have resulted in multiple editions: Bax, Alwyn and others have at least two versions of each symphony: Stanford, Arnold, etc. My list of recorded symphonies could go on: other listeners will suggest other highlights. Yet there is work for the record companies to do.
I list ten symphonies which have not been released commercially. There may exist studio recordings or tapes made of radio broadcasts. The list includes examples composed or first heard between 1945 and 1960.  I have based my selection on other music that I have heard of these composers, or in the case of John Greenwood, sheer curiosity. It is possible that the score and/or parts for some of these works have been lost. That would be a tragedy.
Finally, I know someone will tell me that one or other of these ten are in fact recorded. That would be great news!
  1. Cedric Thorpe Davie (1913-1983): Symphony in C major
  2. John Veale (1922-2006) Symphony No 1 (1944-7)
  3. John Greenwood: Symphony No 2
  4. Iain Hamilton (1922-2000): Symphony No 1 “Cyrano de Bergarac”
  5. Denis ApIvor (1916-2004): Symphony No 1, op 22
  6. David Wynne (1900-1983): Symphony No 1
  7. Wilfred Josephs (1927-97): Symphony No 1, op 9 in one mvt
  8. Alan Ridout (1936-96): Symphony No 1
  9. Anthony Burgess (1917-93): Symphony No 2 for orchestra and brass band
  10. David Campbell Dorward (b.1933) Symphony No 1 


  1. At least four of these may be heard on the YouTube channel of James Stuart. (Veale, Hamilton, Dorward, Josephs) There are some other real gems here, too many to mention.

  2. Sadly, David Dorward died in January this year (2020) aged 86, however, you can hear his 1st Symphony on YouTue

    as well as his 2nd
